Palo Rojo Real Estate

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About Us

“We help people—successfully navigate—the process of buying, selling, and investing in residential real estate.”

~ Gabriel A. Raddavero, Founder

Core Values

Reliance, Respect, Resilience

Reliance: We rely on God in everything we do.


Respect: We respect our clients, our families, our colleagues, our profession, the process, and ourselves.


Resilience: We continue to press forward in all we do.



Wisdom, Warrior, Wealth

Wisdom: We continue to learn, we continue to study, and we continue to prepare so we can gain

knowledge and grow professionally to better counsel our clients in helping them achieve their goals and objectives.


Warriors: We fight for what is right; we fight for our clients.


Wealth: Our aim is to produce as much wealth as possible for our clients, for our families, for our

community, and for ourselves – in however one measures wealth.


Verdad, Valiente, Valor (Spanish for Truth, Courage, Value)

Verdad (Truth): We tell the truth to ourselves and to our clients; we are known for our honesty and



Valiente (Courage): We approach our business with the courage that is needed to succeed.


Valor (Value): We are a value-driven organization; we are always looking to maximize and optimize value for our clients and for those we serve – we deliver VALUE!

our name and logo

Palo Rojo takes its name, loosely, for the Spanish term for “Red Tree,” a name that carries deep significance. It’s not only a nod to my cherished hometown of Palo Alto, California, but also a tribute to the majestic redwood tree, the Sequoia Sempervirens, which stands as an enduring symbol of Northern California.


These towering giants, the Sequoia Sempervirens, rank as the tallest and most massive trees on the planet, thriving for millennia. Symbolically, the redwood tree embodies essential qualities: integrity, longevity, protection, strength, wisdom, and majestic excellence. It represents authenticity in its purest form, a true reflection of nature’s wonders.


Our logo features seven trees, each of which represents the “seven pillars” mentioned in Proverbs 9:1. These pillars are the foundation upon which Wisdom built her house on. It’s a testament to the values and principles that guide us.


Notice the upward angle of the trees in our logo, a deliberate choice. It signifies our unwavering commitment to aiming high, mirroring our vision for Palo Rojo. We aspire to be the very best, continually striving for excellence, both as an organization and as individuals.


At Palo Rojo, we embrace the spirit of the redwood tree, and we’re dedicated to upholding the virtues it embodies. We are on a journey to become the highest and best versions of ourselves, collectively and individually. Together, we aim to reach new heights, guided by the enduring wisdom of what the redwood tree represents and our core values that shape our foundation

~ Gabriel A. Raddavero, Founder

Talk to us

We would LOVE to hear from you…please contact us anytime!!!